Monday, November 2, 2009

Paint my World

Nature brightens up and brings color to our sensible eyes. They paint our world with total beauty and glamor like the garden of flowers do to our eyes.

Messed Up

Mrs. Amadeus arrived in his office in total disappointment because her office is messed up. Everything in her table are in their improper places.The three drawers in the right part of the table are widely open with its files and documents in it. The papers, pens and memos above her table are jumbled with the staplers, flashlight and some kind of ink bottles. At the right side of his PC, you can notice that there are some bottles of lotion and cream. All of her memos in her bulletin board at the upper right side of her table is also in a total disarray. Indeed, Mrs. Amadeus' behavior is caused by her jumbled office.

No two individuals, even if they are closely related to one another are the same. One always differs from the other like the sisters Angela and Angelina. Angela is gifted with heights;Angelina is short. Angela loves to ponytail her hair; Angelina on the other hand hates it. In addition, Angela is a singer; Angelina is a dancer. Angela and Angelina differ in some ways. Even if they are sisters, they vary in some aspects.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I just want to share you guys something that I'm sure can mold a STUDENT into a better one if he/she follows these RULES....

STUDY- understand the subject matter and find out its application to life. READ, READ and READ.

DILIGENCE- nothing can take the place of hardwork. Remember your parents who work for your education. Double the effort to reach for the star.

PRAYER- that God may infuse His spirit that you may comprehend and absorb. That if He is with you there's absolutely nothing you cannot do.

I hope you can follow this rules...